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Peng, Yu-Shu*, Kuo-Pin Yang and Chin-Chia Liang (博), 201?, The Learning Effect on Business Groups’ Subsequent Foreign Entry Decisions into Transitional Economies, Asia Pacific Management Review, accepted (TSSCI).
Peng, Yu-Shu, Lin, Yu-En, and Yang, Yi-Jen, 2010, The Market Response of Patent Litigation Announcement towards Defendant and Rival Firms- Evidence from the Taiwanese Electronics Industries, The Proceeding of Academy of Management(AOM) Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
彭玉樹、楊國彬、欒錦榮(2010),國際企業:策略, 管理與當代實務,譯自Cavusgil/ International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities, 1e,華泰書局。