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 分機:3057    研究室:管C337 

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  • 科技管理
  • 創新與創業管理
  • 知識管理
  • 技術與研發管理
  • 高科技產業策略管理
  • 美國中佛羅里達大學訪問學者
  • 微星科技研發本部產品經理
  • 神達電腦系統產品事業部專案經理
  • 中華汽車行銷部副管理師
  • 創新與技術策略
  • 新產品開發
  • 國際策略聯盟管理
  • (國際)創業管理
  • 國際企業策略研究


1.   Shin-Yuan Hung*, She-I Chang,Hsin-Min Hung, David C. Yen, and Bai-Feng Chou. 2016. Key success factors of vendor-managed inventory implementation in Taiwan’s manufacturing industry, Journal of Global Information Management, 24(1): 37-60. (SSCI)

2.   Hsin-Min Hung*, 2015. Resolving partial-viewpoint paradoxes of innovation strategies: Toward an integrative framework, 交大管理學報35卷第2,第1頁-第29頁。(TSSCI; 科技部推薦期刊)

3.   Shin-Yuan Hung, Hsin-Min Hung*, Chia-Ming Chang and Jacob Chia-An Tsai, 2015. Cognitive and affective factors influencing customer adoption of social commerce: An empirical study, International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 9(2): 154-178. (Scopus)

4.   陳建男、洪新民*、丁文忠,2015,職業運動競爭平衡、觀眾人數與市場共同性的關係:以中華職棒為例,大專體育學刊17卷第1,第39頁-第49(TSSCI)

5.   Hsin-Min Hung*. Influence of knowledge networking, knowledge base, and knowledge strategy on innovation capability, International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 9(2): 138-153. (Scopus)

6.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2015. Organizational strategy change associated with organizational growth,International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, 16(1): 87-102.

7.   洪新民*、陳映均。2015。策略轉折在技術多樣性與創新價值間的調節效果,創思學刊,

   第 34 ,第147頁-第164

8.   洪新民*、鄭雅如。2014。外包是萬靈丹?時尚產業的新產品開發,管理實務與理論研究,第八卷第三期,第106頁-第126

9.   Shin-Yuan Hung, Charlie C. Chen, Hsin-Min Hung and Wen-Wen Ho, 2013. Critical factors predicting the acceptance of digital museums: User and system perspectives, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 14(3): 231-243. (SSCI)

10.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2010. Reconciling the paradox of supply-side and demand-side strategies in industrial innovation, Industrial Marketing Management, 39(2): 342-350. (SSCI)

11.   Hsin-Min Hung*, Se-Hwa Wu, Chao-Tung Wen and Feng-Sheng Wu. 2008. Competitive advantages of managing an effective social network structure to stimulate innovation from a knowledge management perspective, International Journal of Technology Management, 43(4): 363-382. (SSCI)

12.   Hsin-Min Hung, Binshan Lin and Charlotte Jones, 2008. The accelerating effect of market demand in the creativity generating process: A case study, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 5(4): 339-352.

13.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2007. Influence of the environment on innovation performance of TQM, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 18(7): 715-730. (SSCI)

14.   Shin-Yuan Hung*, Hsin-Min Hung and Mu-Yi Huang. 2005. Impacts of B2C e-commerce on hospital productivity: An empirical study, Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 14(1): 71-82.


1.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2019. Resolving conflicts of managing knowledge for building firm innovative capability: An empirical study of Taiwanese ICT firms. OMT Paper Developing Workshop, 2019 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.

2.  Hsin-Min Hung*. 2018. Asymmetric influences of technological and market complementary knowledge on firm innovative capability, OMT Paper Developing Workshop, 2018 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.

3.    Hsin-Min Hung*. 2017. Resolving conflicts of knowledge management to build firm innovative capability. 2017年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,國立政治大學,台北。

4.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2016. The influence of social capital on firm innovative capability: Knowledge learning as mediator, 2016 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California, U.S. (NSC 102-2410-H-259-062)

5.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2015. The influence of human capital and knowledge networking on analyzer's innovative capability, 2015 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (NSC 102-2410-H-259-062)

6.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2015. Flexibility, path dependency and efficiency in a flexibly competitive network, 2015 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

7.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2015. Creating and appropriating value as a manufacturer's strategy: An open business model innovation,2015 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting   in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

8.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2014. Direct effect of human capital and moderating effect of knowledge networking on firm innovative capability: An Analyzer perspective. TIM Junior Faculty Consortium,2014 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting  in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. (NSC 100-2410-H-259-052-MY2)

9.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2013. Resolving partial-viewpoint paradoxes of innovation strategies: Toward a three-dimensional framework. 2013年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,高雄科技大學,高雄。

10.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2013. The influence of social capital on firm innovative capability: Knowledge learning as a mediator. TIM Junior Faculty Consortium, 2013 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, U.S. (NSC 100-2410-H-259-052-MY2)

11.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2012. What configures and re–configures a flexibly competitive network in Taiwan ICT innovative system? 2012年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,元智大學,桃園。

12.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2012. Open innovation: Opportunities for manufacturers creating and appropriating value. 2012年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,元智大學,桃園。

13.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2012. Managing knowledge for building firm innovative capability. TIM Junior Faculty Consortium, 2012 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. (NSC 100-2410-H-259-052-MY2)

14.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2012. Creating and appropriating more value as a manufacturing service provider: From an open innovation perspective, 2012 International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) Annual Meeting in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

15.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2012. Clarifying the relationships among intellectual capital, social capital, organization learning and innovative capability in developing countries, 2012 International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) Annual Meeting in Hsinchu, Taiwan. (NSC-99-2410-H-259-008)

16.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2011. Resolving innovation-resource dilemma: From a manufacturer for OEM business to a service provider for own brand business. 2011年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會「年度最佳論文」,中興大學,台中。

17.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2011. Managing knowledge for innovation:  a comparative research between Taiwanese firms and U.S. firms. 2011年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,中興大學,台中。(NSC-99-2410-H-259-008)

18.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2011. Managing knowledge for innovation: An analyzer’s perspective, EuroMOT 2011 Annual Meeting in Tampere, Finland. (NSC 99-2410-H-259-008)

19.   鄭雅如*洪新民2011The influences of human capital and organization form on new product development performance in fashion industry, 2011臺灣商管與資訊研討會,台北大學,台北。

20.   洪新民*2010,「知識網路定位、知識基礎與知識策略對創新能力的影響台灣資訊電子業的實證研究」,2010年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會「科技管理博士論文佳作獎」,清華大學,新竹。

21.   洪新民*2010,「路徑相依與新市場機會對中小企業產品創新及產業升級的影響」,2010國際創業創新論壇,經濟部中小企業處,台灣大學,台北。

22.   Hsin-Min Hung* & Cameron M. Ford. 2009. The influence of knowledge networking, knowledge base and knowledge strategy on innovation capability, 2009 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.

23.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2008. Organizational strategy change associated with organizational growth, 2008 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California, U.S. (NSC-97-2922-I-004-009)

24.   Hsin-Min Hung*. 2007. Creation, selection and diffusion of innovation: Toward an integrative framework, 2007 Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. (NSC-96-2922-I-004-018)

25.  洪新民*,2007 ,「產業創新過程中的競爭策略」,2007年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,逢甲大學,台中

26.   Hsin-Min Hung*, Chao-Tung Wen, & Feng-Sheng Wu. 2006. The influence of market demand in the creativity generating process: Accelerating creativity to innovation and business performance, 2006 R&D Management Annual Meeting in Taipei and Hsinchu, TW

27.   洪新民*、趙嘉文、溫肇東,2006,「策略重心與資產報酬率影響股票報酬率的實證研究以台灣資訊電子業為例」,2006年中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,清華大學,新竹。


  1. 洪新民,「資源、創新能力、策略重心與財務績效」,106年度國科會專題計畫 (MOST 106-2410-H-259-058)2017/08/01 - 2018/07/31
  2. 洪新民「社會資本對企業創新能力的影響:知識學習為中介變數」105年度國科會專題計畫 (MOST 105-2410-H-259-073)2016/08/01 - 2017/07/31
  3. 洪新民,「技術互補性知識與市場互補性知識影響創新能力的不對稱性研究」,104年度國科會專題計畫 (MOST 104-2410-H-259-036)2015/08/01 - 2016/07/31
  4. 洪新民,「企業創新能力模型建立與趨勢分析」,102年度國科會專題計畫 (NSC 102-2410-H-259-062),2013/08/01 - 2014/07/31。 
  5. 洪新民,「管理知識,打造企業創新能力:卓越的企業文化」,100-101 年度國科會專題計畫 (NSC 100-2410-H-259-052-MY2) ,2011/08/01 - 2013/07/31。
  6. 洪新民,「釐清智慧資本、社會資本與組織學習對於創新的影響:台灣與美國企業的比較研究」,99年度國科會專題計畫 (NSC 99-2410-H-259-008),2010/08/01 - 2011/07/31。
  7. 洪新民,「創新如何影響公司價值?在效率市場中創造及獲取價值觀點」,109年度國科會專題計畫 (MOST 109-2410-H-259-031),2020/08/01 - 2021/07/31。 


1.國立東華大學創新育成中心諮詢輔導顧問,2016/01/01 - 2018/12/31

2.國立東華大學創新育成中心諮詢輔導顧問,2012/08/01 - 2015/12/31

3.國立東華大學創新育成中心諮詢輔導顧問,2010/07/01 - 2012/07/31
