Fulbright Senior Visiting Scholar (University of Washington)
Committee of International Trade Commission, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Evaluation Committee of Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan
International Business Strategy Management (graduate and EMBA)
International Business Research Methodology (graduate)
Global Industry Analysis (under)
Management (under)
<Journal Publications> Selected after 2010~
Peng, Yu-Shu*, Hsin-Hua Hsiung and Ke-Hung Chen (碩), 201?, The Level of Concern about Feng Shui in House Purchasing: The Impacts of Self-efficacy, Superstition, and the Big Five Personality Traits, Psychology & Marketing, accepted (SSCI 2009, IF=1.340).
Peng, Yu-Shu*, Kuo-Pin Yang and Chin-Chia Liang (博), 201?, The Learning Effect on Business Groups’ Subsequent Foreign Entry Decisions into Transitional Economies, Asia Pacific Management Review, accepted (TSSCI).
<Conference Publications> Selected after 2010~
Peng, Yu-Shu, Lin, Yu-En, and Yang, Yi-Jen, 2010, The Market Response of Patent Litigation Announcement towards Defendant and Rival Firms- Evidence from the Taiwanese Electronics Industries, The Proceeding of Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.