Huang, Y. H., Robertson, M. M., & Chang, K. I. (2004). The Role of Environmental Control on Environmental Satisfaction, Communication, and Psychological Stress: Effects of Office Ergonomics Training. Environment and Behavior , 36(5): 617-637. ( SSCI )
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Lin, C., Kao, A., & Chang K. I.* The More Similar, the Better? The Interacting Effect of the Cognitive Style Congruency and Tacitness of Knowledge on Knowledge Transfer in the Mentor-Protégé Dyad. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. (SSCI,Accepted)
Ing-Chung Huang, Kuo-I Chang,& Pey Lan Du(1999),The Content and Appeal of Recruitment Advertisements in Newspapers, Proceeding of The 10th International conference on Comparative Management, Kaohsiung, Sun-Yat Sen University, May 23-25, 1999, pp297-305.