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Pubali Chatterjee


<Basic Information>

Name: Mohammad Shadab Khalil 

Title:  Asssociate Professor

Degree: PhD in Business Administration, National Central University



  • Marketing Management
  •  International Channels of Distribution
  • Glocalization International Brand Management
  • Advertising

  • International Business
  • Marketing Management.

<Journal Publications> 

1. Johnston, W.J., Khalil, S. (corresponding author), Le, A.N.H., & Cheng, J.M.S. (2018). Behavioral implications of international social media advertising- An investigation of intervening and contingency factors. Journal of International Marketing, 26 (2), 43-61.

2. Khalil, S. (2019). The performance implications of collaborative activities in international buyer-seller exchanges: A contingency approach. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 34 (4), 801-809.


3. Rahimah, A., Khalil, S. (corresponding author), Cheng, J.M.S., Tran, M.D., & Panwar, V. (2018). Understanding green purchase behavior through death anxiety and individual social responsibility: Mastery as a moderator. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 17 (5), 477-490.


4. Jain, M., Khalil, S., Johnston, W.J., & Cheng, J.M.S. (2014). The performance implications of power-trust relationship: The moderating role of commitment in the supplier-retailer relationship. Industrial Marketing Management, 43 (2), 312-321.


5. Johnston, W.J., Khalil, S. (Corresponding Author), Jain, M., & Cheng, J.M.S. (2012). Determinants of joint action in international channels of distribution: The moderating role of psychic distance. Journal of International Marketing, 20 (3), 34-49.


6. Jain, M., Khalil, S., Le, A.N.H., &Cheng, J.M.S. (2012). The glocalization of channels of distribution: A case study. Management Decision, 50 (3), 521-538.


7. Lin, J.Y.C., Le, A.N.H., Khalil, S., & Cheng, J.M.S. (2012). Social media usage and work values: The example of Facebook in Taiwan. Social Behavior and Personality, 40 (2), 195-200.


8. Wang, M.C.H., Khalil, S., Blankson, C. & Cheng, J.M.S. (2011). The influence of the provision of online channel functions on exporting channel performance:  The moderating effect of international experience. Journal of Global Marketing, 24 (2), 125-135.


<Conference Publications> 

1. Luan, C.J., Khalil, S. (2019, June). Consumers’ Trust and Behavioral Implications Following Food Safety Scandals: The Role of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice. Academy of International Business 2019 Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2. Khalil, S. (2018, June). The effect of social media communication on collaborative activities in cross-border B2B relationships. 23rd Annual 2018 CBIM International Conference, Madrid, Spain.

3. Khalil, S. (2018, April). An examination of the effect of green message credibility on consumers’ perceived greenwash. Management Theory and Practice Conference 2018, Hualien, Taiwan.

4. Khalil, S. (2016, October). The interactive effect of advertising appeals and self-esteem on social media advertising effectiveness: The mediating role of self-reward focus. Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) Eighteenth Annual International Conference, Dubai, UAE.

5. Khalil, S. (2015, September). Joint action and performance in international channels of distribution: The role of engagement, conflict, and psychological contracts. 5th European Business Research Conference, Rome, Italy.

6. Khalil, S., & Jain. M. (2014, April). Building brand identity through slogans in international markets: The choice between global, local, and glocal. 2014 World Business Research Conference, Dubai, UAE.

7. Khalil, S., Jain, M., & Cheng, J.M.S. (2013, November). Intergenerational influence and brand equity: Development of a conceptual framework. 23rd International Business Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

8. Khalil S., Lin, J.Y.C., Cheng, J.M.S. and Xiao, J.H.T. (2011, May), “Glocalization of advertising strategy: A content analysis,” Global Management Conference, Godollo, Budapest, Hungary.

9. Shen, C.W., Chen, C.C. and Khalil, S. (2011, January), “Analysis of technical and financial environments for business intelligence implementation,” The Proceedings of International Conference on the Development and Practice of Enterprise Resource Management, Taipei, Taiwan.

10. Khalil, S., Lee, I.W.Y., Wang, M.C.H., and Cheng, J.M.S. (2010, December), “Relationship marketing through hybrid channels: A grounded-theory approach,” The Proceedings of 2010 Industrial Trend Forum, Taichung, Taiwan.


